FASTer Way


Many people struggle to navigate the complicated world of nutrition and fitness, which often hinders their progress in losing weight and achieving their goals. At Your Primal Life, we are here to provide you with the necessary tools and support to overcome these challenges. Through our weekly meal plans, effective 30-minute workouts, and personalized 1-on-1 coaching, tailored specifically to your unique goals and needs, you can achieve your desired results faster, without experiencing the overwhelming stress and confusion that commonly accompanies this journey.

FASTer way to weight loss
Weekly meal plans

Weekly Meal Plans
Regular and Vegan meal plan options are available each week, providing you with ingredient lists and preparation instructions to help you reach your goals FASTer.

healthy workout plans

Daily 30 Minute Workouts
Highly effective and designed for the entire FASTer Way community. Whether you prefer low impact exercises at home or hitting the gym, we’ve got you covered. Join us for these quick and convenient workouts that will help you achieve your fitness goals in just 30 minutes a day.

Support for your healthy living lifestyle

Community and Support
Accountability and support from an active and like-minded community, along with personalized guidance provided by a certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach, are essential components for your Primal Life Journey.

“This one-of-a-kind program is easily the best product on the market. As a
fitness professional and rn, i highly endorse this program.”

National Academy of Sports Medicine


Purchase the FASTer Way to Fat Loss for only $199.

Join an accountability group with a certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach for accountability, training, and support. You will receive the link once you have completed your registration.

Commit to the program nutrition recommendations with a focus on whole-food nutrition, balanced macros, intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and effective workouts.

Transition into the VIP Membership, which will automatically be billed at a rate of $99/month, at the end of your initial 6-week experience. Work 1-on-1 with your FASTer Way trainer, utilize the Digital Studio classes, and access our supportive online community. Pause or cancel at any time!


We understand the frustration caused by fitness and nutrition myths, confusion, and misinformation found online, from doctors, and even well-meaning friends and family. It feels like being stuck on a never-ending roller coaster when trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

You may have followed various diet gurus’ advice, spent countless hours on the treadmill, and restricted calories to extreme levels. While you may have experienced some success, it likely left you feeling depleted, overwhelmed, and out of control. What most people truly desire is a plan that can be sustained as a lifestyle, rather than an intense and stressful quick fix.

Until now, there has been a lack of clear guidance and support, which is why we are thrilled to introduce Your Primal Life Healthier Family Guide: FASTer Way to Fat Loss. We genuinely care about your health and are eager to share the most effective program available today.

“The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is so effective that many Registered Dietitians, Naturopathic Doctors, health coaches, personal trainers, and 1,000+ Faster Way to Fat Loss certified wellness professionals endorse the program and have become certified to coach their own groups through the FASTer Way Program.”

“This program has put me back in control of my relationship with food. I can eat the foods I like, not foods that are dictated in a meal plan. That’s the best part! It’s a feeling of freedom.”



How much is less-than-ideal health costing you? How many doctor visits and prescriptions have you had to work into the budget? How much are the new clothes you have to buy because you still don’t fit into your wardrobe? How much is it worth to finally have the good health and fat loss you’ve wanted for years? Continuing your current course could be costing you a lot.

Join Today $199


Over 200,000 clients have gone through the program and have experienced amazing results! See for yourself!


● Strong, busy women with incredibly important roles to fill each day.
● A wife, mother, business owner, community leader, church member, and world changer.
● Women who believe that your family, friends, and community deserve to have you
feeling your absolute best (P.S. You do deserve to feel your absolute best).
● Women who detest other “weight loss programs” that leave them feeling depleted,
overwhelmed, and out of control.

Does this describe you? Have you been burning the candle at both ends and want a plan that
translates into a simple lifestyle, not an intense, stressful quick fix?

Are you looking for a solution that helps you feel in control again? You’re looking for a program that gives you back your energy. You want physical results, but you want more than just a few pounds dropped…

You want to look lean, fit and toned.

You want your body to become a pro-fat burner.

You want to feel stronger, better, and more confident.

You need a solution laid out for you, with lots of support, guidance, and accountability along the way.

You need a community, a coach and a program that actually works…for life, not just the next 21 days.

You need the FASTer Way to Fat Loss.

Through the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, you’ll learn how to fuel your body effectively to maintain optimal energy levels throughout the day.

You will teach your body to burn fat naturally.

You will be given the tools you need to restructure and repair your metabolic system and increase your metabolism.

You will improve your hormone levels, so you feel satiated.

You will learn how to work out in a smart, effective, and efficient way.

You will leave the FASTer Way to Fat Loss feeling leaner, stronger, healthier, and more energetic than you’ve ever felt before. You will leave the FASTer Way to Fat Loss with the tools you need to feel that way for life!

The next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss soon!

“I can honestly say I’ve tried so many other programs, and this is the only one that worked and taught me how to win at nutrition. Thank you for making me a better person.”


“This plan is so well thought out and strategic that I have enjoyed every day on the program so far. Don’t let the word “FAST” scare you—it is more manageable than I ever thought possible! To those looking for accountability, a challenge, and motivation, this program is for you!”


How many success stories do you need to hear before you make your own?

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