Primal: Innate. Essential. Basic.
Helping you get back to basics with your health.



Resources to Reclaim Your Health and Energy

Browse My Shop For Herbal Tinctures, Skin Care & Nurturing Teas

Small-Batch Crafted To Maximize Your Health

Becoming Unstoppable!

+ Eat Whole Food Prioritizing Protein
+ Sleep at Least 7 Hours Per Night
+ Get Fresh Air and Sunshine
+ Use Your Body; Walk & Functional Body Movements Daily, Progressive Overload 3-5   Times Per Week, HIIT 1-2 Times Per Week


Hi, I’m Nanette,

In 2012 I woke up to the fact that I was in a health crisis. I thought I was eating healthy, but like most, I ate the standard American diet (SAD). I was overweight, and every member of my family had at least one chronic health condition. I knew I needed help but had no idea where to turn.

I was busy building my career and juggling family life, so, like many of you, I didn’t prioritize our food and lifestyle choices. Where would I find the time to figure this out? I tried many diets and spent years over-exercising. Not only was I unsuccessful at sustainably losing weight and improving my health, but I also damaged my thyroid, my hormones, and my adrenals in the process.

But worse than any of that, my family’s health was suffering. Things needed to change, and quick.

Over 30 years of coaching, training, and leadership combined with a passion for helping others reclaim their health is the platform of my program. It’s about getting back to our natural state, eating whole food, prioritizing sleep, moving our bodies, and enjoying life. It’s not about diet, deprivation, counting calories, or spending hours in a gym. I would love to support you and your family.

As Seen on:


Change your mindset and relationship with food.


Feed your family delicious, nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory, real whole food.


A great night’s sleep will help you experience greater results.


Healthy movement, play, and brain fitness.


You are in control of how you react to stress.


Embrace a lifestyle that supports long-term health.

Take Control of Your Groceries,
Take Control of Your Energy!

Properly stocking your kitchen can be SO confusing.

Download my FREE Kitchen Purge & Restock Guide

Weight loss is 90% diet and 10% exercise. That’s how important having a properly stocked kitchen is. Follow this guide and your kitchen will be stocked to support your health goals.

What you’ll learn:
  • Actionable steps to rid your kitchen of food that drains your energy and makes you fat. Warning: this can be emotional.
  • How to stock food that will boost your energy and improve your body composition. Hint: more muscle, less fat.

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