I get many requests for my Bone Broth recipe. A friend once told me she could taste the love. My recipe has evolved over the years. This version is clearly the winner. Time to get it out there!

To help explain the nutritional benefits of bone broth, I’ll quote from Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions cookbook (every kitchen must have this book); “Broth made from meat and animal bones is another good source of sodium, chloride and iodine as well as magnesium, potassium and important trace minerals. Broth made from fish carcasses and fish heads is rich in additional substances that nourish the thyroid gland. Properly made, broth is also a source of gelatin which research has shown to be an excellent aid to digestion and assimilation of cooked foods. The food provider with an eye for nutrition, as well as good taste, will make these broths a staple in her repertoire.”

I haven’t tried broth with fish carcasses, but bone broth is certainly a staple in our house. I don’t drink coffee so I love a cup of herbal tea or a cup of bone broth in the mornings. It’s oh so soothing to drink. It’s a little odd at first, but you’ll quickly learn to love it, and it’s so nourishing. Our mothers and grandmothers knew to give us chicken soup when we were sick. It not only helped us feel better, but it also helped us get better.

It’s important to use quality bones. You may have to track down a trustworthy source. Farmers Markets, Co-ops, on-line sources and sometimes Ethnic Markets will carry them. Ask questions, understand where they came from. You will be extracting most everything out of these bones, so you only want pure goodness.

Why do I add chicken feet? They have lots of collagen which is good for your skin and gut lining. They help make the broth thick and gelatinous. Go big or go home, right? Kind of creepy looking if you aren’t used to them. My kids aren’t bothered by them anymore. The first time they saw them in a pot of broth, they said it looked like a witch’s cauldron. My brother says I do it to freak people out. Nope! I do it for the collagen.

Feel free to season to your taste. This recipe tends to be a good generic broth for drinking and cooking. Some people don’t use salt because they prefer to add as needed. I like the salt added. I’ll throw veggie scraps in if convenient, but I don’t always add them. The best way to make that convenient is to put veggie scraps in the freezer. When time to make broth, just throw them in.

I used a crockpot for years. My husband was not fond of the house smelling of broth for days. That was no longer an issue once I discovered the pressure cooker. Yes, making broth does take time, but in my opinion, the benefits far outweigh the effort. A good broth is expensive to buy. I love the taste and want those nutritional benefits for my family. Just plan for a couple of days that you will be around the house, weekends are best for me. I make a batch about every 3-4 weeks, and always keep a stock of chicken and beef broth on hand.

This makes about 9 pints of concentrated gelatinous broth. Depending on the use, I will add equal parts of water to the broth when using.

I hope you love it! Questions, comments, and shares are welcomed.

In Health,

Coach Nanette

Delicious, Nutritious Bone Broth

Author: Coach Nanette, https://www.yourprimallife.com/


  • 3 Pounds Bones – grass-fed beef or lamb, pastured chicken, or wild-caught fish
  • 2 Chicken Feet – I put them in all my broths
  • 2-3 Egg Shells – for the calcium, from pastured chickens
  • 2 Tbl Apple Cider Vinegar – with ‘the mother’ to draw out the minerals
  • 1 Tbl Oregano
  • ½ Tbl Black Seed – ‘The remedy for everything but death.’
  • ½ Head Garlic, smashed
  • 2 Tbl Sea Salt
  • 1 Tsp Cracked Black Pepper
  • 1 Tsp Turmeric
  • 4-5 Whole Cloves
  • Feel free to add rough cut carrots, celery, leeks, and/or onions
  • Filtered Water


  1. If using beef or lamb bones, roast for 1 hour at 350 degrees.
  2. Put bones in crockpot or pressure cooker.
  3. Splash ACV on bones, add everything else, top with water to cover bones.
  4. For crockpot; high for 4 hours then low for 24-72 hours.
  5. For pressure cooker; highest setting for 6 hours. Mine only goes up to 3 hours, so I reset 1 more time.
  6. Separate into several bowls, put in the refrigerator to cool, defat, pour into mason jars, label, and date. It will be good in the refrigerator for several days or freezer for many months.