School Box Lunches Made Easy

School Box Lunches Made Easy

Does the thought of making 180 school box lunches for your kids this school year stress you out? Want to learn how to easily plan and make them? By following these 3 tips, you’ll learn how to make delicious, healthy lunches that provide energy and satiety to support your kids during school. You’ll be confident they’re getting the nutrition they need for their...
A Primal Thanksgiving

A Primal Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday. To me, it’s a great reminder to slow down, appreciate my family and the many blessings in my life, and enjoy some personal time. We typically host at our house. It’s lots of work, but work we do together and that I enjoy. And no, not all of our guests eat the way we do. The menu has evolved over the last several years as...
Rethink Breakfast

Rethink Breakfast

I was once a big pusher of breakfast, but have evolved into more of an ‘eat when you’re hungry’ kinda gal. Kids usually wake up hungry though, so when processed grains and sugars went off our breakfast table we had to get creative, and quick! I often hear moms complain that there are so few breakfast options that don’t contain grains. When riding the processed...
How Does Your Pantry Stack Up?

How Does Your Pantry Stack Up?

Out of the Top 50 Essential Paleo Pantry Foods from Mark’s Daily Apple, I was only missing 8. Not bad. Of those 8, I would probably only consider bringing 2 of them in. I can live without the rest. Here is the link to his great list; Not everyone is familiar with all these items and I’m often...
Optimizing Your Time

Optimizing Your Time

Another objection I often hear from those new to healthy eating is that it is too time-consuming. Again, yes it can be, but there are many things you can do to optimize your efforts. First, I challenge you to move your and your family’s health up a bit on your priority list. Are there things you could cut back on in order to cook and eat healthier? You must always...
Optimizing Your Organic Investment

Optimizing Your Organic Investment

When I work with people who are new to the primal life, an objection I often hear is that eating healthy and/or organic is expensive. OK, it can be, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s an example of how you can optimize your organic investment.</strong Every few weeks I buy 2 organic free-range chickens. Depending on size, they average about $20 each vs....