I think we can all agree, grocery stores are not our best option for supplying our family with clean, healthy, fresh, whole food. You don’t know where the food came from, how far it traveled to get there, how old it is, etc. Sure, I still shop at ours, but I do recommend prioritizing alternative sources as much as possible.

I love to shop at Farmers Markets! Farmers Markets have great energy and really are quite fun. Patrons tend to be much more friendly and social than at a typical grocery store. That makes shopping less of a chore and more of an outing. Often times our entire family will go. Not an offer that is usually made nor accepted when going to the grocery store.

Even on vacation we prioritize them. We always try to stay at a place with at least a kitchenette, then scope out when and where the local Farmers Markets are. Preparing healthy meals at our home away from home also saves money to spend on excursions and souvenirs.

You’ll often find live music, crafts for kids, and cooking or product demonstrations. Offerings will vary from market to market. In addition to vegetables and fruits, you may find meat, jerky, chicken, eggs, cheese, nuts, honey, preserves, ferments, pickles, oils & vinegars, shrubs, soaps, toothpaste, chocolate, ice cream bars, kombucha, bone broth, gourmet dog biscuits, baskets, and breads. So many choices!

Farmers markets can help you achieve health goals. Eating seasonally is natural and great for your health. Produce that is ripened naturally and picked fresh is bursting with flavor, color, and nutrition. Time is an enemy to the nutrients in fruits and vegetables. Who knows when or where your grocery store produce was picked. If you’re eating blueberries in Texas in January, they most likely came from Chile or Argentina and are doubtfully organic. The closer to home, the better.

When you get to know your farmers, their families, and their operations, you’ll be more in touch with your food. You can ask questions, diversify with items you’ve never tried, and learn different ways to prepare the food. Bonus, you help your local economy and the environment at the same time. My advice is to get there early for the best picks and late for the best deals. Most farmers don’t want to pack up their offerings to take home. Buy those closing deals in bulk and ferment, can, pickle, or freeze-dry.

Thankfully, farmers markets are becoming more common and easier to find. If you absolutely don’t have an option near you, check for a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). Your options are more limited, but they can be fun too and you’ll have access to fresh food. If you have neither, grab some neighbors and start one!

Maybe there is one near you that you don’t even know about? Check here. Local Harvest is a website that connects people with local food producers.

And of course, you can always grow your own!

My next 2 favorite sources where I often purchase my food are Azure Standard and Thrive Market. Affiliate links below.

Azure Standard is a family owned and independent company dedicated to providing high quality, affordable organic, natural and non-GMO groceries through an independent and free food supply chain. They give us access to the most nutrient-dense and real foods found anywhere. It’s a monthly coop and those who order help unload the truck on delivery day. It’s fun, is a great opportunity and experience, and you’ll make friends with like-minded people! I’m happy to answer any questions about how it works.

Thrive Market offers best-selling natural and organic products at wholesale prices through a $60 per year membership. Think Costco meets Whole Foods online. They have so many great options and are consistently bringing more in. Their goal is to make healthy living accessible to everyone. Bonus, this link provides you with a 25% discount on your first order!

Questions, comments, and shares are welcomed. If this was forwarded to you, sign up for my emails here. No spam or junk, promise!

In Health,

Coach Nanette