Beware of Toxic Laundry
The air inside the typical home is more polluted than the air outside, even in large industrial cities, as reported by the Environmental Protection Agency. We spend much of our time in our homes, so we must eliminate as many toxins as possible. Carpets, upholstery, cleaning supplies, and personal care products are just a few of the offenders. It can be overwhelming,...
Rethink Breakfast
I was once a big pusher of breakfast, but have evolved into more of an ‘eat when you’re hungry’ kinda gal. Kids usually wake up hungry though, so when processed grains and sugars went off our breakfast table we had to get creative, and quick! I often hear moms complain that there are so few breakfast options that don’t contain grains. When riding the processed...
What, You Don’t Have a Microwave?
Visitors are often taken aback when they realize we don’t have a microwave. We did have one, but decided to get rid of it after learning the potential health risks of microwaving food and beverages. The family was a bit more reluctant about this change than they are to most of the changes I propose. They are troopers, we have adapted and it is now a non-issue....
How Does Your Pantry Stack Up?
Out of the Top 50 Essential Paleo Pantry Foods from Mark’s Daily Apple, I was only missing 8. Not bad. Of those 8, I would probably only consider bringing 2 of them in. I can live without the rest. Here is the link to his great list; http://www.marksdailyapple.com/top-50-essential-paleo-pantry-foods/. Not everyone is familiar with all these items and I’m often...