Yes Ladies, You Must Lift Weights

Yes Ladies, You Must Lift Weights

First off, what’s stopping you? Here are the concerns I most often hear and my rebuttal. Yes Ladies, you must lift weights! “I don’t want to get bulky.” Women don’t get bulky from lifting weights. Our bodies don’t produce enough testosterone to build that kind of muscle mass. What you’ll get though is a leaner, stronger, sexier body. “I can burn more calories doing...
What Are Healing Herbal Tinctures?

What Are Healing Herbal Tinctures?

I’ve been MIA for quite some time, I know! I’m back and have plenty to share with you. My promise going forward is to share resources that will help you and your family maximize your health in this so very confusing arena. I won’t promise to share every week though, which has been recommended to me, that’s just not how I’m wired. I’m also excited to share that I’ve...
Fun in The Sun, A Safe Balance

Fun in The Sun, A Safe Balance

Summer is on the way and it’s time to get back outside! I love the feel of the sun on my skin. I love to be outside, walking, sprinting, kayaking, paddle-boarding, or just sitting on a beach. Based on the many social media Spring Break pictures I’ve seen the last couple of weeks, I know I’m not alone in this! But is it safe to pursue this love? The sun has...
Want your energy back? (free guide)

Want your energy back? (free guide)

Want to take control of your energy level? The #1 secret is hiding in your kitchen! Bottom line, you must start in the kitchen. Read that again. As the saying goes, “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.” You also can’t out-sleep a bad diet. If you’re tired of being tired and are ready to learn how to feed your family delicious,...